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LIN GAO—2019—开放空间的视觉与运动 [复制链接]

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楼主  发表于 2020-12-01 19:23  

VISION-AND-MOTION-baseD SPATIAL CHARACTERIZATION OF OPEN SPACE: a study on its structure, boundary and meaning in architecture




China Architecture Design Institute Co.Ltd.Institute of Architectural Design and Theory, Zhejiang UniversityChina Architecture Design Institute Co.Ltd.



KEYWORDSVision and Motion, Solid Angle, Equi-visual Set, Neighbourhood, Boundary


本文来自于第十二届空间句法北京会议,文件夹“architectural form”,序号83

论文下载链接 http://www.12sssbeijing.com/proceedings/



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沙发  发表于 2020-12-01 19:26   楼主



Spatial analysis from human perspective is particularly difficult in describing peoples perception objectively. Quantitative analysis seems to be a good measurement of human feelings. However, due to the ambiguous transforming process and the complex multivariable analysis, the correlation between the data and human experience are often weakened.



In this context, we first turn to the very nature of human vision. Starting with how eyes work and what is important to human field of view, we find a new perspective of understanding open space which is the three-dimensional space between buildings in brief. By comparing the characteristics of an observers location and his vision in a dynamic way, we introduce solid angle as a measurement of not only human field of view, but also human visual impression as well, which connects closely the subjective visual perception with the scene we see in the objective world.



Then, by proposing a concept of equi-visual set where one object seems to be the same size as another, we put forward not only a simplified mathematical model with spherical objects (or buildings), which is available easily by scripting, but also a new method of calculating the neighbourhood which represents the space belonging to a certain sphere. 


This model reveals a basic structure of open space which consists of enclosed territories and shared boundaries within an artificial bounding box containing all the spheres. Moreover, it helps us, by mapping and animation, in explaining how this neighbourhood relates to the human visual perception and the publicity of open space in a broader sense.


Finally, in consideration of the two-dimensional track of human, ignoring the terrain, we generalize a new model with 2.5 dimensional convex hulls in place of the one with spheres, which represents the buildings in a more real way. By sampling in the eye-level plane, we achieve a spatial section of open space with two-dimensional neighbourhoods, providing a new methodology for spatial analysis while revealing its significance in architecture.



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藤椅  发表于 2020-12-01 19:33   楼主



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板凳  发表于 2020-12-29 15:57



Jilin, the north-eastern province in China, is undergoing the Chinese New Urbanization Process which is a national development strategy since the 18th CPC National Congress. The strategy divides the whole nation into 21 urban agglomerations and focuses more on a regional vision and integrated growth. As the lowest urbanization increase rate city agglomeration, Ha-Chang city agglomeration which Jilin province belongs to has been entering a relatively lag phase for urbanization development since 2010. One of the main reasons is the lack of effective regional space plan. A series of spatial planning strategies at agglomeration as well as province levels were proposed by national and local governments around 2015. This paper intends to evaluate these proposals’ effectiveness after all those years’ development while using human focused and science-based space syntax approach. It will first conclude the spatial development strategy of Jilin province from the national and provincial planning documents as nine key cities, four developing belts and five city clusters. Then the paper explains the theory and method applied and comes up with a regional model including three adjacent provinces with regard to the evaluation purpose for the very first time. With the help of the processed model, the existing spatial structure as cities, belts and clusters are separately analysed from global and local scales. And the corresponding suggestions about its future spatial planning are given with respect of its economic and social situations at last.

