




上传于2019-12-26 15:45

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Title: Mapping the East End ‘Labyrinth’

中文题目 : 绘制东区“迷宫”

作者 : Dr Laura Vaughan

发表时间: 2007

成果发表: 暂无

文章链接: www.space.bartlett.ucl.ac.uk/people/laura/

Abstract: 暂无

摘要: 暂无

Key words: Mapping,space syntax,Charies Booth,East End

关键词: 地图,空间句法,慈善摊位,东区



 Space syntax is a theory of space and a set of analytical, quantitative and descriptive tools for analysing the layout of space in buildings and cities.Originating in the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London in the 1970s, it started with an attempt to understand if there was an underlying architectural explanation for the social failure of 20th century English housing estates. The research field aims to answer key architectural and urban design questions, starting with whether the layout of cities has an impact on how people use streets. 


  Space syntax analysis computes all the lines according to their relative depth to each other, using simple mathematical measures. The terminology used to describe this depth states how spatially integrated or segregated it is. The resulting numbers then form the basis for coloured up maps which represent the distribution of spatial accessibility. The range of numbers goes from red for the most accessible (integrated) through the colour spectrum to blue for the least accessible (segregated). 


  By examining space in this way we can analyse the correspondence between spatial segregation/integration and social statistics. For example, we can research whether there is a relationship between the location of burglaries and housing layout; or, whether more successful shopping streets have spatial characteristics in common. This is done by using statistical analysis to measure the correspondence between spatial and social measures. 

