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RADACZEWSKA-2019-探索城市的经验 [复制链接]

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楼主  发表于 2020-12-16 15:20  



The purpose of the two exploratory studies presented in this paper was to examine the relations between formal representations of an urban environment and subjective responses. In Study 1, we examined how geometrical features were related to environmental appraisal of an urban square. We mapped movement trajectories and activities on the square during different times of the day and used semantic differential scales to capture experiences at 22 predefined locations that contained different fields of views/isovist characteristics. At each of those locations, 25 individualsrated their subjective impressions of the space. We found that the trajectories and activity observations and the environmental appraisal ratings were partially linked to formal spatial measures derived from visibility graph and axial line analysis; i.e., larger views were related to ratings of publicness, insecurity, and openness. In Study 2, we conducted a virtual-reality study with 45 participants, who rated six viewpoints along a virtual street that (again) differed in its isovist characteristics, as well as in social density. For this aim, we systematically controlled three conditions: no people/control group, and 2) low social density, and 3) medium social density. Participants filled-in an environmental appraisal rating scale, which we again linked to formal characteristics of the space. Here, perceived spatial density correlated with isovist area, perimeter, and occlusivity; and compactness correlated with interest. Together, our two exploratory studies add insight to the relations between urban structures and subjective evaluations and indicate potentially interesting avenues for further research in the space syntax community and urban experience research.




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沙发  发表于 2020-12-16 15:28   楼主



  1. INTRODUCTION Environmental appraisal to a large extent arises from our perception and conscious interpretation of the physical space around us. We perceive the world with our senses and mind, and have certain associations, feelings, and expectations about cities and buildings. Yet, it appears to be hard to fully trace rapid perceptual processes, as well as subjective ratings of our experience, back to formal, quantitative representations of a space, such as derived from space syntax and isovist analysis Hillier & Hanson, 1984). When the field of view one experiences is quantified using formal isovist analysis (cf. Benedikt 1979; Benedikt & Burnham 1985), some spatial characteristics, such as isovist area were related to the subjective ratings of, e.g., safety in buildings (Kuliga, Dalton, & Hölscher, 2013); and further to spaciousness, openness, complexity, order, pleasantness, and beauty (Franz, 2005). These relationships have been explained with longer lines of sight offering more spatial information to the viewer, hinting at underlying spatial preferences for prospect and refuge (Herzog & Leverich 2003). Other researchers similarly found a link between isovist characteristics and perceived pleasantness, clarity, and beauty of an environment (Dzebic, Purdue, & Ellard, 2013). However, such previous studies, indicating that isovist characteristics correlate with spatial qualities, were mainly conducted in a laboratory context (Franz, 2005) or inside buildings (Dzebic, Purdue, & Ellard, 2013; Kuliga, Dalton, & Hölscher, 2013). Relatively few studies have examined this topic in an urban context. For instance, Bielik et al. (2015) indicated that a combination of both global and local spatial properties relates to how appealing individuals rate urban streets. In relation to different typologies of urban environments (e.g., a park,square, courtyard, or streets with different traffic conditions), Knöll et al. (2015) indicated that the centrality measure of the street network, as well as characteristics of the field of view/isovist correspond to subjective ratings of stress in an urban context. Both studies seek to develop a model of relations between formal spatial characteristics and subjective responses; i.e., to understand how specific environmental properties would describe pleasant responsesto a setting. Such an inventory of responses to spatial characteristics, or model, could support planners in capturing experiences using spatial analysis of their plans before they create or (re-)design a space (i.e., pre-occupancy evaluation). However, predicting both positive and negative responses to different spatial configurations based on solely spatial analysis, to the knowledge of the authors, does not exist, although some relationships between space and subjective responses have repeatedly been indicated across different settings, despite the spatial analysis methods being naïve to ambient characteristics.


    1.环境评价在很大程度上源于我们自己对我们周围的物理空间,通过我们的感官和头脑感知世界,并且对城市和建筑的联想、感受和期望。然而,似乎很难完全快速追踪感知过程,以及对我们经验的主观评价,回到正式的空间的定量表示,如源于空间句法和等维分析的希利尔&汉森,1984年)。当一个人的视野被量化时,使用正式的等维分析(cf。Benedikt 1979;Benedikt&Burnham 1985),一些空间特征,如等值面面积与主观评级相关,例如,建筑物安全(Kuliga、Dalton和Hölscher,2013);以及进一步扩展到宽敞、开放、复杂、有序、愉悦和美丽(Franz,2005)。这些关系已经被解释为更长的视线提供了更多的空间信息观众,暗示潜在的空间偏好前景和避难所(Herzog&Leverich 2003)。其他研究者同样发现了依恋逗留者的特征和感知到的愉悦感之间的联系,环境的清晰与美丽(Dzebic、Purdue和Ellard,2013)。但是,以前研究表明,等值线特征与空间质量相关,主要在实验室环境(Franz,2005)或建筑物内部(Dzebic,Purdue,&Ellard,2013;Kuliga,Dalton,&Hölscher,2013年)。相对而言,很少有研究在城市背景下研究这一主题。例如,Bielik等人(2015年)指出整体和局部空间属性的结合关系到吸引力的大小个人评价城市街道。对于不同类型的城市环境(例如,公园、广场、庭院或具有不同交通条件的街道),Knöll等人(2015)指出街道网的中心度测度以及视场/等值线的特征相对应于城市环境中深刻的主观评价。这两项研究都试图建立一个关系模型在形式空间特征和主观反应之间;也就是说,理解环境特性可以描述对环境的愉悦反应。这样的反应项对于空间特征,或者说模型,可以支持规划师利用空间来获取经验在创建或(重新)设计空间之前对其计划进行分析(即入住前评估)。然而,基于据作者所知,单纯的空间分析并不存在,尽管有一些关系空间和主观之间的反应在不同的环境中反复出现,尽管空间分析方法对环境特征比较幼稚。

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藤椅  发表于 2020-12-16 15:30   楼主

A potential reason is that many of our experiences may be quite subtle. Also, not only the configuration of a space, but also various other, non-spatial characteristics of an environment (e.g., symbolic meaning, aesthetics, functions, etc.), dynamic aspects (e.g., changes in social density, illumination, soundscapes in a place, etc.), and individual differences (e.g., preferences, skills, expectations, past experiences, mood, cultural background, level of attention or interest, etc.) influence human-environment interactions. For instance, Ewing and Handy (2009) theoretically defined 51 ‘perceptual qualities’ based on literature and an expert review. They argued that spatial aspects, such as enclosure, spatial complexity of a scene, the amount of greenery, social density, and soundscapes are important for urban experience; but so are the number of people on a street, street width, building heights and proportions, long lines of sight, and other variables that are potentially endless. In other words, manifold spatial and non-spatial aspects all contribute and interact, resulting in complex relationships that may be hard to narrow-down in one comprehensive inventory, or model of relationships. Moreover, where this is attempted, e.g. based on big data, current studies keep a degree of certainty, and still may lack validation of the larger results (i.e., a mapping of a city) back to the local scales (asking people on the streets).


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板凳  发表于 2020-12-16 15:32   楼主

This article argues that if space syntax and/or isovist measures were in a stable manner linked to subjective ratings, then spatial analyses could have predictive power not only for physical movement in space, but also for the way spaces are experienced. The two exploratory studies presented in this paper examine the relations between urban characteristics and subjective evaluations of space. In detail, we explore how geometrical features of an existing urban environment (Study 1), as well as the presence of other people (Study 2) in a virtually simulated, and in a real/existing environment were related to subjective environmental appraisal. Our two explorative studies were conducted independently; yet they are related in that they both sought to measure environmental appraisal in an urban experience context. The two research questions for both studies were:

       1) How are formal, objective characteristics of an urban environment (mainly the field of view) related to subjective ratings in environmental appraisal? 

       2) Does the presence of others influence environmental appraisal of an urban environment?



